Your home is a haven that should be safe, comfortable, and healthy. Unseen dangers can affect you and your family’s well-being. Maybe not bump-in-the-night, paranormal intruders, but chemicals, germs, viruses, and other pests can do harm if left unchecked.
Your home should be kept clean at all times, to reduce the chances of health hazards which can have serious consequences for you and your family. However, making sure that the house is clean at all times can be such a chore that often, we tend to ignore it until we no longer can. While this is not a way out, it is also a very unhealthy practice and should be avoided at all costs. Thus, you should strive to keep your house clean, either by doing it yourself regularly or hiring a professional cleaning service to get it done quickly and efficiently.
Here are 6 tips to get you on your way to a cleaner, healthier home.
Tip # 1: Be prompt about removing trash from your home. Waste will only decay as it sits in a trash can. After emptying the fridge of last weeks leftovers, remove it from your home before a slimy, smelly residue is left in your container.
Tip # 2: Keep laundry and other perpetually dirty things off of your floor. A raised laundry basket will allow for easier cleaning with a broom underneath, preventing dirt and dust from piling up and being tracked throughout your home. A shoe rack by the door can also save many a rug and carpet from discoloring
Tip # 3: A short weekly routine of wiping down the flat surfaces in your home with a barely moistened cloth will stop dust build up and give the allergy sufferers living there a relief.
Tip # 4: Keep your surfaces free of everlasting clutter. Some things will pile up naturally, like mail, magazines, books, empty food containers, and even socks that lost their match. Spend an hour once every month to go through these things and recycle, donate or toss what’s not needed any longer. Keeping your home free from stuff you don’t use and that doesn’t give you joy will help you feel calm and in control.
Tip # 5: Put things away as you use them. It’s so much easier to pick things up as you go rather than wait and have to undertake a huge cleaning session all at once. Sometimes this is easier said than done, but it’s something to strive for nonetheless. The key to making this work, of course, is to ensure that everything has its own place. Do that first if you haven’t already